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Komodo Dragon: Unmatched Strengths and Hidden Weaknesses Revealed

Foreign monitor lizards are one of the strongest and invulnerable animals in the wild. Their strength has made them stand out from other species and even used to conquer forts in the past. History tells of Shivaji Maharaj, one of the famous Maratha clan warriors, who used a monitor lizard to climb the walls of Singh Haged Fort during a critical battle with the Muggles in 1670. The commander tied a rope to the back of a monitor lizard, which then climbed the steep cliff, secured itself in a crevice, and allowed the commander to infiltrate the fort. This legend proves that monitor lizards can be useful even in warfare, and their strength is unmatched. However, monitor lizards have fears too. Despite being used in wars, sometimes, they struggle with their food. Recently, there have been some unpleasant incidents in Singapore, where a monitor lizard was found dead after trying to swallow a large fish that was too spiky for it.

Monitor lizards are known to be predators, and they actively hunt down creatures like snakes and turtles. However, there are risks involved in swallowing prey whole. For instance, octopuses, which are considered delicacies for monitor lizards, can be dangerous if swallowed whole. The suckers of an octopus can get stuck in the throat of the monitor lizard during swallowing, which could cause suffocation. To avoid this, it’s best to tear the octopus into small chunks before swallowing.

Young monitor lizards can be attacked and consumed by western yellow-bellied sand snakes, but sometimes, they get lucky and survive even after being swallowed by the snake. For instance, an elderly woman in Bangkok found a python stretched out along her kitchen floor, and its belly was bulging, indicating that it had consumed a monitor lizard. The rescue workers found that the snake had almost entirely devoured the lizard, but it regurgitated it when they arrived. Surprisingly, the monitor lizard was still alive and uninjured.

In conclusion, monitor lizards are powerful and robust predators, but they also have weaknesses. Their ability to climb steep cliffs and help in warfare shows their usefulness. However, they can struggle with swallowing their food, especially large or dangerous prey like fish, octopuses, or snakes. It’s crucial to tear the prey into small chunks before swallowing to avoid suffocation.


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